by Roland | Jul 16, 2015 | News
Who Is The Guinea Pig? When I wrote my PhD in medicine in the late 1970s, I worked for part of the time at the cancer research center of the time-honored University of Heidelberg in Germany. Every day I took care of the rats, mice and other animals that were used for...
by Roland | Jul 2, 2015 | News
Broken Open Last weekend we rented a double seated kayak and paddled across Baynes Sound to a little island which locals call Tree Island. It is a magical place. An eagle was watching from its nest in an old fir when we pulled our kayak ashore. The sandy beaches are...
by Roland | Jun 18, 2015 | News
Deadly Beliefs A group of people are standing around a stately herb, six feet tall with tiny white flowers that tell us that it is a member of the carrot family. The reddish spots on its trunk reveal that we are dealing with a very special herb here. It is Conium...
by Roland | Jun 5, 2015 | News
Slow!? “I’m in excruciating pain right now with this sciatica. I will contact you again when I’m through with that. This has to go fast, I do not have time for homeopathy right now.” The young man on the phone canceled his first appointment that he had...
by Roland | May 14, 2015 | News
A Funny Shape Have you ever seen one of these old European gardens with bushes that are trimmed into funny forms and shapes? I remember one garden around a castle. There was a bush in the shape of a square, another one looked like a ball and the next one looked like a...
by Roland | Apr 26, 2015 | News
Don’t be (too) nice! I used to be a beekeeper for many years back in Germany. I still relish the memory of a beehive buzzing contently in the evening of a warm spring day. The bees had brought in pollen and nectar all day long and after their work was done, they...
by Roland | Apr 2, 2015 | News
Freed from a Toxic Prison! When I started studying homeopathy 35 years ago, we did not hear much about detoxifying because there were fewer toxins in the environment. We based our prescriptions on the characteristics of our patients and what health condition they were...
by Roland | Mar 17, 2015 | News
Petrified Tears Last summer I traveled with my partner Barb to visit her ancestral home in Poland. Being situated by the Baltic Sea, most of the world’s Baltic Amber is found there. A few days ago I held a piece of amber in my hand that we had brought with us from...
by Roland | Mar 4, 2015 | News
In the Dragon’s Mouth One morning after waking up, six year old Anderson was very excited: “Mom, I had a dream! You know the red dragon in the playground that I like to climb on? I was sitting in its mouth and in my dream, all of a sudden the mouth closed and I was...
by Roland | Feb 7, 2015 | News
All My Relations Many years ago I learned the word Niksookwa. What that means is All My Relations. I was living on the Blood Reserve in Southern Alberta back then, and my adopted father Naamoo told me to say this whenever I entered a sweat lodge for ceremony. So I...