The Desire to Serve

The Desire to Serve

It is Remembrance Day and I am thinking about all my relatives who fought in wars. A deep sadness spreads in my chest. My outer eyes move over the Pacific Ocean and stay with the expanse of space while my inner eyes wander over military graveyards in Europe with...
The Intrepid Deer

The Intrepid Deer

We were not far from shore when we saw an animal going into the water and starting swimming toward the open water. A fast glance through the binoculars showed that it was a deer, a young buck, horns just as long as its ears. We got a little closer and kept watching. To our amazement, this young buck swam from the mainland shore toward Vancouver Island! He clearly saw us but the presence of two humans on a boat did not distract him from the direction he had chosen.

Spaced Out

Spaced Out

Spaced out. Sounds a little weird, doesn’t it? What I want to talk about today, is one major component of health: Space. Let us have a closer look. In your room at home there is a certain amount of furniture and things and there is a certain amount of space. True?...

Something For Men

Hello Everyone, This morning I went for a walk with our dog Brodie. The forest still looks like winter but there is already a whiff of spring in the air, especially when the sun is out. Under a Hemlock fir, I noticed something that grabbed my attention: Between Salal...

Nothing In It?

Nothing In It? The other day a patient of mine brought me a newspaper article which said that homeopathic remedies had been analyzed chemically and they do not contain any active ingredients. They are all made of glucose pills and the only difference of the thousands...