Get Out of Your Way!

Get Out of Your Way!   Weeks after a fall, my wife Barb had increasingly terrible headaches. After another sleepless night we headed straight into emergency of a hospital. A CT-scan showed that a hematoma in the head caused the problem. Surgery was needed....

Coal Dust and Diamonds Under Sails

Coal Dust and Diamonds Under Sails The milky light of the full moon was washing down the sails of the ship. Under a steady wind the Russian  four-masted barque “Sedov” ploughed through the waves of the Baltic Sea. The giant sails stood perfectly still against the...

B & B

B & B It is holiday season. B&b, that must be about Bed ‘n Breakfast, right? Not quite. Today’s blog is about bitch ‘n bastard, another popular B&B. I was talking with a client about anger issues today and then she said: “In every woman there is a bitch...

Do You Really Want It?

Do You Really Want It? A middle aged man was sitting with me and we talked about his longstanding skin condition. “I tried conventional and naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and nothing helped. Now a friend told me about homeopathy and I thought maybe I should try...

Those Who Love You

Those Who Love You    “Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you...

The Shooting

The Shooting The day before I arrived in Minneapolis last week, a man was shot by a policeman. The whole city was in shock. The pain everybody felt was expressed with grief, anger, fear or sadness. Blame and judgment, defense, the desire to understand and the...


Non-Violence “Homeopathy cures a greater percentage of cases than any other method of treatment. It is the latest and refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently.” Mahatma Gandhi Why is it that so many proponents of homeopathy are highly...

Cancer – A Call For Help

Cancer – A Call For Help Seven and half a million people die each year from it and the numbers are increasing. Cancer.  We all have friends or relatives suffering from it. We all know its impact for the whole family. The challenge is that the medical treatment of...

The Embellished Lawn

The Embellished Lawn While I hear from friends in the East about a late blizzard, here on the West Coast it is already spring. Our garden is in full bloom. The salmonberry bushes are showing off their tender pink flowers, the forget-me-nots cover like a cloud of blue...


Abundance Last week, around 60 fishing boats gathered in Baynes Sound on the east coast of Vancouver Island. I watched them from the shore pulling in nets heavy with herring. Each one of the boats was surrounded by a noisy cloud of seagulls. Not far from me a couple...