Buffalo Stories

Buffalo Stories

The bison is the iconic animal of the prairies. While searching for a little bit of buffalo milk in order to make a homeopathic remedy, ranchers shared many amazing stories about the buffalo with me. These stories continue to touch and inspire me whenever I think of them and it is my great desire to share them with you. They convey an impression about some of the essential qualities of the bison which can make us understand why Naive people respect and revere this animal so much. To this day elders teach the children about how to live and how to be in the world in a good way through telling stories of the buffalo. Follow me to the Blood Indian Reserve in Alberta where the bison is currently being re-introduced.

The Blessing of the Herring

The Blessing of the Herring

When the herring appear, it’s spring time at the coast! The sleepy time of winter is over, now there’s action! Thousands of birds, hundreds of sea lions and even whales come and feast.
Come watch with me what is happening!

The Ancient Band-Aid

The Ancient Band-Aid

Some 300 million years ago, the conifers invented the band-aid. Even though still helpful every day, there are also more modern and more sophisticated ways of healing possible.

The Ice Fields In Us

The Ice Fields In Us

In this video Roland weaves together ancient spiritual wisdom with climate change. He offers a new way of looking at global warming and how we can participate in it in a way that is healing and a relief for Earth.

How To Move A Rock

How To Move A Rock

Maybe you think this is a funny story. You are right, it is.
However, it is also more than that. This video is an encouragement for you to talk with nature, even with a rock. About thirty years ago an indigenous elder guided me to talk with trees. At first I felt uncomfortable, looking around and making sure that nobody was watching me. With the years it became normal for me and I talk with animals, trees and even with rocks regularly. I had deep experiences in that way and I do not have the least doubt anymore that all of nature, animals, plants and even rocks, are soulful beings willing to communicate with us and eager to support us on our journey.

Maybe you try it out, secretly, just like I once did?