Background of Shameeah
Background and History of C4-Homeopathy and Shameeah Ceremonies
It was Witold Ehrler, who, as a Biology student and non-homeopath, made the groundbreaking experience that a homeopathic trituration can be so much more than a mechanical process, which a technical device also would be able to do. He realized its potential. He found that in triturating a plant he could learn so much more about this plant than professors at the university were able to teach him about it. Together with keen homeopaths, he experimented and added new levels to the old technique. He was the founder of C4-homeopathy. For C4-homeopaths, homeopathy is not primarily a healing modality. First of all, it is a spiritual path. As with every other spiritual path, it is inevitable that you will eventually become a healer. In mainstream homeopathy, it is the goal of every homeopath to know as many remedies as possible. This is different in C4-homeopathy. In C4-homeopathy the goal is to become remedy. Whereas homeopathy focuses on using remedies as a healing modality, C4-homeopathy is a spiritual path on which you become the remedy.
After having studied and worked with Witold Ehrler for years, I immigrated to Canada. It was my privilege to bring C4-homeopathy and C4-triturations to Canada. In the years that followed, I developed my own style. The English word “trituration” only refers to a mechanical process which often is done by mechanical devices. Besides its inadequate meaning which does not capture the essence of the process, nobody knew the word; even many homeopaths did not understand it. I was looking for a different expression, for a term which holds the sacredness of the process as a spiritual ceremony, the magic that happens when a plant or animal starts opening up to us, starts to speak through us, and that also touches on the alchemical transformation from suffering into a gift which happens during this process. I found it in the old Arabic word “Shameeah”.
Homeopathy had once developed out of alchemy. Alchemy came to middle Europe through ancient Greece. In the ancient Greek language, it was called Chemia. To Greece this secret science had come from Arabia. In old Arabic it was called Shameeah. You can see how it evolved from Shameeah to Chemia to Alchemy and then to modern Chemistry. Whereas the alchemists had focused on the transformation of lower metals into higher metals, of lead into gold, in ancient times Shameeah had a much wider meaning; it designated the transformation of lower vibrating energies into higher vibrating energies. Now this was exciting for me, as it is exactly what is happening during a Shameeah ceremony. So I had found an appropriate name for this process, a name that holds the meaning of the energetic process of transformation and at the same time – just listen to how it sounds – holds the vibration of sacredness.
My own path of communicating with nature is strongly influenced by the First Nations elders with whom I had the privilege of living for years and whose teachings I still follow. The attitude of deepest respect for nature, the understanding that everything in nature – every animal, every plant, even every rock is a soulful being that is eager and willing to communicate with us and to support us on our healing journey, these for me are crucial aspects of communication with nature, which make a C4-trituration into a sacred ceremony, into a Shameeah.
Summing it all up, a Shameeah is a sacred ceremony of communicating with nature, the mechanics of which come from homeopathy, the energetics from alchemy and the ceremonial part comes from the wisdom of indigenous peoples.