It seems to be normal not to have time. Is it so that time is scarce or is this a culturally deformed perception? Let us have a look at time through indigenous eyes and then meet a storyteller’s time and see what they have in common. It might give you an access to an abundance of time which is actually present simultaneously with the scarcity.
Thank YOU Rolland for this video, I LOVED it. It is a perfect time to send it out to ease the energies of the world and the…”WHEN ARE THINGS GOING TO CHANGE”.We ALL must CALM the mind and stop the FEAR.
Hugs to you and your wife
Lovely reflection, Rolland. I so appreciate your ability to bring me into the context of your thinking. Brother river certainly contribute this video!
Love, Turtlebone
Thank you, Roland, for your video about time…how we all need to be reminded…
Can we make our lives here and now, understanding timelessness in the midst of time…in the ‘now’ all time is contained and yet, it keeps coming, as you so aptly said……
As Kahlil Gibran wrote:
“The timeless in you is aware of life’s timelessness, and knows that yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream.”
Best wishes to you and Barbara,
Beautiful! Timelessness and being in the flow…
How beautiful to listen to you and feel the invitation. You are also a wonderful story teller. Thank you!
Danke Roland, deine Erzählung hat mich berührt . Ja ,es ist wichtig sich die süße Muse des “geschehen, fließen lassen”
in den Alltag zu holen. Innehalten- ich will es mehr üben.
Herzliche Grüße Angelika